We make unique films & adverts.
Because a picture is worth a thousand words, a film is worth a thousand pictures. Sometimes we win awards or cause controversies. After a long time, we still love what we do since we started and never looked back. Now, we are flying the flag for the next crop of storytellers.
The Animatiqua team excels in showcasing your brand through a unique film. Sometimes we use cameras, sometimes we work in 3D, and other times we leverage artificial intelligence. The collaboration between machine deep learning and creative minds has ushered in the era of Hollywood 2.0. We’re not afraid of AI; instead, we see opportunities to make films even more special. Alongside our domestic and international partners, we create your brand’s video to withstand the test of time and remain memorable for years to come. Whether it’s a corporate film, a commercial, or an animation, we are here to provide an enduring experience for your audience, your customers, and of course, for you.
If your vision is still uncertain, that’s not a problem! We assist with the planning and will find the visual language that best fits your brand. It has always been this way.
Brands need a movie!
It’s not enough to be good; you also need to look good. We’ve been doing this for a long time, and through many long years of experience, we know the secret to a great film. However, a great film is only half the battle; it also needs to be communicated effectively to your audience and customers. That’s why we also help ensure your film reaches them. Here are some of our special films that have already proven themselves.

Or your film in a designer package.
We love good films. When we complete videos for our partners, many of them express that they wish they could personally hand their film to their targeted clients, customers, or investors. According to them, it’s no longer a question of whether their brand can be best presented through a video. Instead, they ask, why can’t they give their film to anyone, anywhere, anytime? This is indeed challenging in the online space because of the noise around us. That’s why we sought a solution in the offline space… And thus, Cinematicon was born. With this marketing tool, you can reach anyone in a way that very few can. Memorably.
Do you have a good company and want to showcase it? Give a Cinematicon to your partners and let them see the best side of your brand. Are you a startup looking for funding? Give your film to investors. Frequently exhibiting at expos and trade shows? Place Cinematicons at your stand. Want to get your idea to important decision-makers? Cinematicon. Want your sales team to always have your film handy? Cinematicon…
We created a page for you where you can learn all the details about the possibilities within Cinematicon here: Cinematicon.com

our clients
We love our clients.
According to our partners, our greatest asset is our reliability. This is what we are most proud of. And, of course, we are also proud that we have been able to create special films for them.

Join our team!
There is a new kind of art that we create together with the power of artificial intelligence. The collaboration between AI and humans not only elevates the design process to new heights but also carries revolutionary possibilities in the field of creativity. By working together, we can reach horizons we never dreamed of before. Companies that recognize this opportunity can not only work more efficiently but also create unforgettable works that were previously unimaginable. The collaboration between AI and creative people is a catalyst for a new creative revolution that will transform multiple industries. Intelligent algorithms inspire and stimulate new, exciting ideas, helping artists unlock their full potential. Technology creates opportunities for the bold to unleash their creative visions and produce stunning works of art.
Do you spend most of your time not doing what you truly love? Are you interested in the world of AI-generated images and motion pictures? Would you like to spend most of your working hours creating such films and graphics? Then you’re in the right place! We are looking for an AI designer to join our constantly expanding team. Someone who already works closely with artificial intelligence in the creative field and has experience in the area. Would you like to work with us in other areas as well? Great! Send your resume to info@animatiqua.com, and we will contact you as soon as possible.